Optimus Prime x Reader *Requests Open* - Chapter 3 - Olivia200312 (2024)

Chapter Text

Head area:

Brain: Processor / Brain Module

Head: Helm

Face: Face plate

Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials

Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor

Eye brow: Optical Ridge

Eyes: Optics

Mouth: Intake

Lips: Dermas

Teeth: Denta/Dentas

Tongue: Glossa

Chest area:

Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity

Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula

Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut

Chest and back armour:

Chest plate

Back plate

Mid-section plating

Neck guard

Side plating

Arm area:

Arms: Arms / Restarlueus

Forearms: Bitarlueus

Hands: Servos

Fingers: Digits

Arm armour:


Shoulder pads

Arm guard

Lower area:

Pelvis: Pelvis

Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate

Thighs: Tibulen

Calves: Cadulen

Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.

Lower armour:

Skirt plates

Aft plate / Skid plate

Thigh guard

Ankle guard

General/Internal components:

Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question.

Veins: Fual lines

Stomach: Tanks

Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating.

Heart: Spark

Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark

T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.


Penis: Spike

vagin*: Valve

Body: Frame


Y/N was walking towards her room in the Autobots base. She actually lived there, because the Decepticons destroyed her house after she caught the fight between the Autobots and the Decepticons. But what if I told you that it was leaders who were fighting? Yes, the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime, was fighting against some bot who he considered as his brother. It was Megatron himself, the leader of the Decepticons. The Autobots were good ones while the Decepticons were the bad ones. Y/N recognized immediately who were good and bad ones. You can see it in the optics color and actions they do.

Megatron even almost kidnapped Y/N since she saw them, but Optimus didn't let that happen. He saved her life. And in return, Megatron destroyed Y/N's place. Optimus, being the gentle bot he can be, offered her to live at the base. Y/N accepted the offer. Optimus explained everything to her that he was a Cybertronian from the planet Cybertron, that he was on planet Earth to protect humans from the Decepticons and other stuff. Y/N was in fact interested. Optimus asked her different stuff to get to know her and she gladly responded.

Optimus introduced Y/N to the team Prime. There was Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Arcee, Ultra Magnus and there were humans too named: Miko, Jack, and Raf. Y/N was quite shy at first, but she warmed up to all of them. Some bots needed time to warm up to her.

Miko was the first one to befriend Y/N fast. She was especially happy that she wasn't the only female human in the team. Arcee was in fact a femme too, but she was a young warrior from Cybertron. Miko asked Y/N a lot of questions. You know, like: "Do you like heavy metal?" "How much do you weigh?" "How old are you?" and other stuff.

Raf had to stop Miko from talking and told her to give Y/N time to breathe. He was such a cute guy that you can call a brother. He was smart in computers that you can ask him for help if you had any problems with your computer. He would gladly fix it for you.

Jack was the oldest human. Well, as a kid. Jack warmed up to Y/N and sees her as a good friend that he can trust. Y/N felt sorry once she heard that Jack, Miko, and Raf were being bullied by a guy called Vince. That guy thinks that bullying was fun! Well, it's not! Y/N was only (age) years old and still, she gave Vince an actual punch on the face! Miko was very amazed since she's quite energetic. She almost finds everything cool. Raf was glad to have a new friend that can be stronger than Vince. Optimus was in fact amazed when he saw how Y/N strong was.

Now let's go to the bots:

There was a grumpy medic named Ratchet. He was annoyed to see another human at the base since he said that 3 were enough. It took him a lot of time to warm up to Y/N. He liked her as a friend. Y/N would help sometimes Ratchet. He sure was a busy one being a medic and all. He even fixes things or builds things like for example, he builds projects for Miko, Jack, and Raf.

Arcee was the only femme bot of the team and a young warrior. She's in fact the smallest of the bots. She can transform into a blue motorcycle. She was accidentally spotted by Jack that Optimus asked her to bring him to the base. Arcee was then caught by Miko because she followed Arcee that was in her motorcycle form. Arcee liked Y/N and she would talk sometimes to Y/N. She was also Jack's guardian.

Bulkhead liked Y/N. He was Miko's guardian since Miko spoke to Bulkhead first. He was surprised by Miko's sudden questions that he couldn't respond to. Bulkhead was also very nice to Y/N.

Ultra Magnus can be rude sometimes. Heck, he was not nice when he met Y/N. But in return, Y/N was feisty and stood up for herself before Optimus made a move to stand up for Y/N. Magnus was surprised and learned fast to not mess with her. At least he warmed up to Y/N like a week later.

Bumblebee or just Bee was such a nice scout! He was Raf's guardian. He sadly couldn't speak due to his voice box (or pipes) being destroyed. Bee was so nice to Y/N. Raf can even understand Bee good which was very special.

Finally, we have Optimus himself. He was the tallest on the team. Primes are always the tallest of the teams. Optimus was in fact very close to Megatron's height. When Optimus lived in Cybertron, he was a clerk named Orion Pax. Very unique name, right? He became concerned after he learned more about Cybertron. He was Megatronus' best friend. He supported him and even was like a mentor to him by saying strong and helpful words. Like Master Splinter to the turtles. He decided to be Y/N's guardian since he took her to the base and he was the first Autobot to be seen. Optimus was one of the kindest en gentle bots that Y/N ever met.

Anyway, Y/N entered her bedroom and she saw a letter on her bed. She walked up to her bed and grabbed the letter. It read:

Dear, Y/N,

Meet me at the cliff in the forest tonight. I have a surprise for you.

From Optimus.

Ok, Y/N was surprised and shocked. She loved surprises, especially from Optimus. She was shocked that it was from Optimus. How on earth did he get in her room? He was like 30 feet tall (I think) while Y/N was (number) feet tall. Did Optimus ask Raf, Miko, or Jack to place the letter on her bed? Definitely not Miko, because she would tell Y/N immediately that Optimus had a crush on her. Yes, the Prime had a crush on her. He couldn't help but admire her beauty and her personality. But what the Prime doesn't know was that Y/N was in love with him as well.

"What is Optimus planning?" Y/N asked herself.

Let's just say that Ratchet made something and told Optimus about it. Then the Prime had an idea and asked Ratchet to turn him into a bipedal form. Bipedal forms make the bots smaller, close to normal human height. Once Ratchet got the truth why he agreed since he did notice how Optimus would stare at Y/N in secret.

When the night came, everyone was sleeping, except Optimus and Y/N. The Prime was waiting on his human crush with the big surprise.

Y/N was now walking towards the cliff in the forest. It was closely located to the base so it was ok. Once Y/N reached the cliff, she was shocked to see how beautiful the sky was. It was covered with stars. There were no lights in the forest so the sky was clear.

"It's so beautiful," Y/N said in awe.

"That's true, Y/N," said a familiar deep voice.

Y/N gasped in surprise and turned around to see Optimus, except... he's smaller! Close to Y/N's height! He had a soft gentle smile on his faceplate. Y/N was stunned. How? How was this possible?


Optimus chuckled and walked up to her until he's in front of her. "Ratchet showed me a new project that he finished. When he was done explaining, I had an idea and I asked him to turn me in a bipedal form."

"F-Fair enough." Y/N was still stunned.

Optimus smiled still and cupped Y/N's cheek with his servo. He was doing it gently since her skin was so soft and he's metal. He sees Y/N blushing from the touch contact. "Y/N, I have a confession to make," Optimus began. "Ever since I know you more, I fell in love with you. I love everything about you."

Y/N couldn't believe what she heard. Optimus actually loved her a lot! Y/N's dream was coming true! "O-Optimus, I... I feel t-the same." She smiled shyly.

Optimus was now very happy. His crush felt the same. His other servo cupped her other cheek so he's now cupping her both cheeks and is stroking them. Y/N placed her hands on top of his servos, making contact with them.

Optimus then leaned in and pressed his dermas against her soft lips. Yes, he was kissing her. Y/N kissed him back, feeling so loved by Optimus. The gentle kiss turned heated and Y/N's arms moved around his neck while she felt Optimus' servos very close to her ass. Looks like the Prime was getting turned on~

Optimus licked Y/N's bottom lip, asking to go inside. His glossa felt almost like humans. Y/N granted his wish and she felt his glossa make contact with her tongue. It felt so nice and pleasurable that Y/N moaned into the kiss. Optimus felt pleasure too and didn't want to stop. He felt something that he hadn't felt in a long time. Heat. He dated once a femme warrior called Elita-One. Yes, they did kiss and made out a few times, but never did "it" before. Y/N felt a lot different than Elita.

Y/N's ass was then squeezed gently and she moaned. Optimus had a naughty side that he only showed when he felt pleased with his sparkmate.

That's when Optimus pulled away from the kiss, his servos still on her ass. "Want to continue this is my truck?" His optics were full of lust.

Wait, Optimus' truck was here? But where? Looks like Optimus hid his truck somewhere nearby.

"Yes, please. I want you, Prime." Y/N's voice was husky and seductive since she's turned on and wet. It was impossible to get rid of it by yourself. It's quite hard.

Optimus picked Y/N up bridal style, still having lust in his optics. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck as the Prime walked towards his truck. He then opened his truck door in his way, even though he's holding his human sparkmate. He had his ways. The Prime then laid Y/N down on the seat and closed the truck behind him. He even locked it!

Optimus climbed on top of her and smashed his dermas against her lips, not too hard since she's human. The kiss got immediatly heated and they made out again. Optimus' servos were next to her head to support him. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and stroked the back of his helm, causing him to purr.

After 3 minutes of making out, Optimus moved his head towards her neck and started to leave soft kisses. He was so gentle.

Y/N sighed in pleasure and once she felt her sweet spot, she gasped and moaned a bit. "O-Optimus, a-ah!~"

Optimus purred and starts to nibble the spot. He licked, sucked, and even bit with his dentas. Y/N moaned while stroking the back of his helm. Optimus continued to abuse the spot until he's sure that there would be a hickey left.

He then took Y/N's shirt and threw it on the floor next to the seat. He couldn't help but stare. "Beautiful..."

Y/N blushed.

Optimus then tried to remove her F/C color bra, but couldn't figure out how. Y/N giggled and helped him. After the bra was on the floor too, Optimus used one of his servos to gently grabbed one of Y/N's boobs and he then leaned down towards her nipple. He then grabbed the nipple into his mouth and started to suck while he massaged the other boob.

Y/N moaned while stroking his helm. Her nipples were hard. She watched how Optimus switched and gave other nipple attention too while he massaged others. After a minute passed by, Optimus moved down and pulled her pants and panties off. He threw them on the floor. He then looked at her fully, from head to toe. Once Optimus made eye contact with Y/N, he smiled lovely at her.

"Will you let me continue, sweetspark?"

Y/N nodded. "Yes, please, Optimus. I want you." She's feeling horny and she wanted her Cybertronian boyfriend now.

Optimus then let his spike come out. It looked a lot like male humans, but a tiny bit different. It was hard and it looked like to be begging to go into Y/N's wet puss*. Oh, and did I forgot to mention that Optimus' spike was huge?

Y/N looked a bit nervous. Was it going to fit? She then felt Optimus' member enter her, ripping her walls since she was a virgin. It caused her to gasp in surprise. It was painful that tears build up in her eyes. Optimus was going slow and gently since he doesn't want to hurt her badly. He whispered sweet words into her ear to make her relax.

Once Optimus was fully in, he waits in patience. What a gentle bot. Since it can take a while for the pain, to go away, Optimus looked lovely into Y/N's eyes. He had his own tricks to make the time go faster. Y/N was lost in his optics. She didn't realize that the time was going fast and the pain was away. She felt pleasure took over her body.


Optimus nodded and started to move slowly first. He heard Y/N moan softly. Y/N was just in heaven with Optimus.

"O-Optimus, faster, h-harder, please!" She was begging him and Optimus wasn't gonna lie. He loved it. He gladly granted her wishes and went faster and harder, causing her to scream in pleasure.

Optimus started to grunt and moan in pleasure too. He felt Y/N wrapped her bare legs around his waist. It gave him better access to go deeper and he did go deeper. Y/N wrapped her arms around his back and let's just say that the pleasure was so pure that she was scratching his paint.

Then Y/N felt Optimus hit her g-spot. "O-Optimus, right t-there!~"

Optimus then slammed into her g-spot again and again.


Then Optimus sat up, pulling Y/N on his lap. His member was still inside her and Y/N started to rise him. Optimus moaned. The new couple was actually looking into each other eyes lovely. They're lost with pure pleasure. That's when they kissed each other roughly while having sex in Optimus' truck. They moaned loud and they're alone so it was good. There were even no Decepticons around. Optimus' servo was squeezing her ass while his other servo was behind her head. Y/N's arms were around his neck.

They continued to have sex for almost 2 minutes, until...

"O-Optimus, I'm c-cumming!"

"Cum for me, sweetspark."

They were looking at each other lovely and that's when Y/N came. Optimus came afterward, shooting his warm seed inside her that Y/N felt in her womb as well. They both panted. Y/N was in fact tired and felt sleepy. Optimus gently lifted her up so that he can pull out and he laid down on the seat, causing Y/N to lay on top of him his frame.

"T-That was amazing," Y/N panted with a tired smile.

Optimus smiled lovely at her. "It was, sweetspark." His servo cupped her cheek. "We should recharge here. Don't worry, the others know that we are away."

Y/N nodded and snuggled into him. Optimus covered Y/N up with a blanket that he's keeping in his truck. He watched Y/N sleep with a smile. He finds her adorable. He then went to recharge since he's tired too. He held Y/N protectively in his arms.

Optimus Prime x Reader *Requests Open* - Chapter 3 - Olivia200312 (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.